Benoit Mahé speaks both for Retail, hospitality brand and for family business. He promotes exquisite Consumer Experience thanks to a modern and committed Employee Experience, leading to extraordinary KPIs measurement.
Discover testimonies from some customers.

Patricia Guyot
Retail Director, Yves Rocher, France
``I love his vision of business and the way he captivates teams with his speech.``
Retail Director, Yves Rocher, France
``I love his vision of business and the way he captivates teams with his speech.``

Christian Arbez,
Director, TEDx Belfort, France
``For an organizer of public events, counting on Benoit is a guarantee of success, emotion and energy! We include him in the program and the registrations fill up; we put him in 1st position and he sets the tone for the day.``
Director, TEDx Belfort, France
``For an organizer of public events, counting on Benoit is a guarantee of success, emotion and energy! We include him in the program and the registrations fill up; we put him in 1st position and he sets the tone for the day.``

Nicolas Roué
“Benoit has rhythm and reflection. He's the perfect person to lead our national convention.”
“Benoit has rhythm and reflection. He's the perfect person to lead our national convention.”

Michel Vautherin
Director Cérémonie Retailer of the Year, France & Spain
``I'm still moved by the story of the boy evacuating his wand. The managers at magan love him very much.``
Director Cérémonie Retailer of the Year, France & Spain
``I'm still moved by the story of the boy evacuating his wand. The managers at magan love him very much.``

Jean-Christophe Faré
General Director, Relay, Switzerland
``Our store managers came out re-motivated, with the desire to argue their UPT!``
General Director, Relay, Switzerland
``Our store managers came out re-motivated, with the desire to argue their UPT!``

Enrique Mendoza
Human Resources Director
``Benoit motivates because he speaks the right language of the shops. He mixes his French culture and his Latin warmth. It is a show!``
Human Resources Director
``Benoit motivates because he speaks the right language of the shops. He mixes his French culture and his Latin warmth. It is a show!``

Alicia Davara
Director, Madrid Retail Coacher Congress, Spain
“Benoit dances with his clients and his audience. He is a first-rate artist and cinematographer!”
Director, Madrid Retail Coacher Congress, Spain
“Benoit dances with his clients and his audience. He is a first-rate artist and cinematographer!”

José Manuel Beblás
L´Oreal Cosmética Activa
``Benoit is enchanting throughout his lecture; and the most amazing thing is that the participants do and apply what he says!``
L´Oreal Cosmética Activa
``Benoit is enchanting throughout his lecture; and the most amazing thing is that the participants do and apply what he says!``

Retail Training Manager
“We continue to receive a flurry of compliments following your conference in front of our Brand Retail Managers and Regional Managers! The 'wow effect' was guaranteed!``
“We continue to receive a flurry of compliments following your conference in front of our Brand Retail Managers and Regional Managers! The 'wow effect' was guaranteed!``

Hélène Bertrand
“For us in Retail, this conference is a breath of fresh air, absolutely in line with our strategic plans centred on people, refocused on the commercial relationship. With Benoit, it boosts the store owners!``
“For us in Retail, this conference is a breath of fresh air, absolutely in line with our strategic plans centred on people, refocused on the commercial relationship. With Benoit, it boosts the store owners!``

Regional Director
Sabadell Bank
“We wanted to offer our prospective trade professionals a conference of the highest level to improve the commercial efficiency of their companies, hotels, shops... The amphitheatre was full and we are starting the next year again as the participants were impacted and delighted.”
Sabadell Bank
“We wanted to offer our prospective trade professionals a conference of the highest level to improve the commercial efficiency of their companies, hotels, shops... The amphitheatre was full and we are starting the next year again as the participants were impacted and delighted.”

Dan Slater
Commercial Director Hacket, London
“Our store managers loved this conference, very inspiring and priceless.”
Commercial Director Hacket, London
“Our store managers loved this conference, very inspiring and priceless.”